


npm i typed-data-parser

ES usage:

// use import
import {
addToParserHelper, DataParserBase, ParserHelperBase, ParserMap, ParserMapsBase
} from "typed-data-parser";

// class Human
class Human
* IQ of human
public IQ: number;
* Salary of human
public salary: number;
constructor(IQ: number, salary: number)
this.IQ = IQ;
this.salary = salary;

// target data
interface HumanEvaluation
mind: "stupid" | "normal" | "smart";
wealth: "poor" | "medium" | "rich";

// create parser map type
type HumanParserMap = ParserMap<Human, HumanEvaluation>;

// create parser to parse Human to HumanEvaluation
@addToParserHelper(Human) // we must register parserMap to parserHelper so we can get the correct parser!
class HumanParser extends DataParserBase<HumanParserMap>{

// fullfill propertyGetters
public override get propertyGetters()
return this.initGetters({
// set mind according to this human's IQ
mind: (human) =>
if (human.IQ > 120) { return "smart"; }
if (human.IQ > 90) { return "normal"; }
else { return "stupid"; }
// set wealth according to this human's salary
wealth: (human) =>
if (human.salary > 30000) { return "rich"; }
if (human.salary > 10000) { return "medium"; }
else { return "poor"; }

// fullfill propertySetters
public override get propertySetters()
return this.initSetters({
// set this human's IQ according to if he is smart
mind: (human, mind) =>
if (mind == "smart") { human.IQ = 120; }
else if (mind == "normal") { human.IQ = 90; }
else if (mind == "stupid") { human.IQ = 70; }
// set this human's salary according to if he is rich
wealth: (human, wealth) =>
if (wealth == "rich") { human.salary = 30000; }
else if (wealth == "medium") { human.salary = 10000; }
else if (wealth == "poor") { human.salary = 8000; }

// create a human
const me = new Human(90, 8000);
// create a human parser
const humanParser = new HumanParser();

// get my evaluation
humanParser.get(me); // which is {mind: "stupid", wealth: "poor"}
// get my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "mind"); // which is {mind: "stupid"}
// get my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "wealth"); // which is {wealth: "poor"}

// set my evaluation
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart", wealth: "rich" }); // my IQ will be 120 and my salary will be 30000
// set my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart" }); // my IQ will be 120 but my salary will stay the same
// set my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { wealth: "rich" }); // my salary will be 30000 but my IQ will stay the same

// a parser helper will parse multiple types according the input value
// create a parser maps type
type ParserMaps = ParserMapsBase<[HumanParserMap, ...anotherParserMaps]>;
// use this maps to define a ParserHelper
class ParserHelper extends ParserHelperBase<ParserMaps>{ };
// create a parserHelper
const parserHelper = new ParserHelper();
// this parserHelper will automatically get HumanParser since the input value is me
parserHelper.get(me); // which is {mind: "smart", wealth: "rich"}

Node usage:

// use require
const {
addToParserHelper, DataParserBase, ParserHelperBase, ParserMap, ParserMapsBase
} = require ("typed-data-parser");

// class Human
class Human
* IQ of human
public IQ: number;
* Salary of human
public salary: number;
constructor(IQ: number, salary: number)
this.IQ = IQ;
this.salary = salary;

// target data
interface HumanEvaluation
mind: "stupid" | "normal" | "smart";
wealth: "poor" | "medium" | "rich";

// create parser map type
type HumanParserMap = ParserMap<Human, HumanEvaluation>;

// create parser to parse Human to HumanEvaluation
@addToParserHelper(Human) // we must register parserMap to parserHelper so we can get the correct parser!
class HumanParser extends DataParserBase<HumanParserMap>{

// fullfill propertyGetters
public override get propertyGetters()
return this.initGetters({
// set mind according to this human's IQ
mind: (human) =>
if (human.IQ > 120) { return "smart"; }
if (human.IQ > 90) { return "normal"; }
else { return "stupid"; }
// set wealth according to this human's salary
wealth: (human) =>
if (human.salary > 30000) { return "rich"; }
if (human.salary > 10000) { return "medium"; }
else { return "poor"; }

// fullfill propertySetters
public override get propertySetters()
return this.initSetters({
// set this human's IQ according to if he is smart
mind: (human, mind) =>
if (mind == "smart") { human.IQ = 120; }
else if (mind == "normal") { human.IQ = 90; }
else if (mind == "stupid") { human.IQ = 70; }
// set this human's salary according to if he is rich
wealth: (human, wealth) =>
if (wealth == "rich") { human.salary = 30000; }
else if (wealth == "medium") { human.salary = 10000; }
else if (wealth == "poor") { human.salary = 8000; }

// create a human
const me = new Human(90, 8000);
// create a human parser
const humanParser = new HumanParser();

// get my evaluation
humanParser.get(me); // which is {mind: "stupid", wealth: "poor"}
// get my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "mind"); // which is {mind: "stupid"}
// get my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "wealth"); // which is {wealth: "poor"}

// set my evaluation
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart", wealth: "rich" }); // my IQ will be 120 and my salary will be 30000
// set my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart" }); // my IQ will be 120 but my salary will stay the same
// set my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { wealth: "rich" }); // my salary will be 30000 but my IQ will stay the same

// a parser helper will parse multiple types according the input value
// create a parser maps type
type ParserMaps = ParserMapsBase<[HumanParserMap, ...anotherParserMaps]>;
// use this maps to define a ParserHelper
class ParserHelper extends ParserHelperBase<ParserMaps>{ };
// create a parserHelper
const parserHelper = new ParserHelper();
// this parserHelper will automatically get HumanParser since the input value is me
parserHelper.get(me); // which is {mind: "smart", wealth: "rich"}

Static usage:

Old school method

<script src="./bin/typedDataParser.js"></script>

// create a human
const me = new Human(90, 8000);
// create a human parser
const humanParser = new HumanParser();

// get my evaluation
humanParser.get(me); // which is {mind: "stupid", wealth: "poor"}
// get my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "mind"); // which is {mind: "stupid"}
// get my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.get(me, "wealth"); // which is {wealth: "poor"}

// set my evaluation
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart", wealth: "rich" }); // my IQ will be 120 and my salary will be 30000
// set my mind evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { mind: "smart" }); // my IQ will be 120 but my salary will stay the same
// set my wealth evaluation Individually
humanParser.set(me, { wealth: "rich" }); // my salary will be 30000 but my IQ will stay the same


For static usage, ambient type definitions can optionally be referenced here node_modules/typed-data-parser/bin/typedDataParser.d.ts.

API Docs

API docs can be found here

For Developer:

clone repository

git clone https://github.com/TheFBplus/typed-data-parser.git

init development environment

npm install
npm run init

test project

npm run test

build project

npm run build

build api docs

npm run docs